Thursday, February 10, 2011

talkin bout my girl

Becoming a mom you suddenly seem to only speak in clichés. example: she is growing up so fast! seriously I swear she became a completely different baby in one week. She started rolling over, trying to talk and sing, sitting in her baby chair (bumbo), grabbing toys and TEETHING dun dun dun. she is seriously bursting with personality. she hardly even "cries" anymore. it's more like, "moooom! daaaad! I have needs! look alive people!" personality. even my missionary bro can tell through his spiritual insight. he fixed this picture for me...

"This is a little song I wrote in the nersery. I call it: Formula.
       My teeth are growing, growing all the time
       Look how adorable I am, though I never stop crying
       Every bottle I've ever had is on a shelf above my crib
       And sometimes I've got Wiggles playing out my windows"
[nick's family guy tribute to what college guys did to the guitar]
stroke of genious.